Digital platform for design of automation solutions for maintenance and repair (MRO), management and control of mobile teams’ operations on a distributed territory, and monitoring of equipment.

Example of how requests for maintenance and repair are distributed and their fulfillment checked in the dispatcher’s web application.

Example of how the status of fulfillment of a request for maintenance and repair is displayed in the field agent’s mobile application.
Deployment of MRO automation solutions enables your company to:
- maintain comprehensive long-term and operational planning of inspections and repairs of equipment and technical places;
- manage human and material resources under the conditions of limited timeframe and in case of emergencies;
- control quality of planned and unscheduled operations (who? what? how? where? and when? exactly what activity was performed?);
- control the use, consumption, and disposal of tools, consumables and spare parts;
- justify the cost/timing of work;
- ensure 100% compliance with safety requirements;
- reduce production losses related to downtime due to equipment malfunction.
OPTIMUM Smart Engineering Systems 2025 Digital IoT Platform (DIoTP «OPTIMUM SES 2025») is included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Computers and Databases of the Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications, and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (No. 4996 dated 12/03/2018).
OPTIMUM Smart Engineering Systems 2025 Digital IoT Platform is registered in the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIPS), certificate No. 2018618535 dated 07/13/2018.
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