The digital platform provides planning and control at each stage of the cargo transportation process customized to the particular requirements of the customer company, the transparency of drivers’ and shipping agents’ operations, and vast scalability.

An example of the route planning interface on the OPTIMUM Platform

An example of a driver’s mobile application interface.
Using the platform enables your company to:
- enhance vehicle efficiency;
- reduce costs;
- reduce expenditures on fuel and lubricants expenses, repairs, traffic police fines;
- ensure transparency of the business processes of transport logistics at all stages including transportation between distribution centers and intra-city delivery;
- reduce labor input to the formation of routes;
- optimize utilization of warehouse and vehicle fleet;
- obtain a handy tool for rapid and high-quality reporting.
Based on the platform, the following solutions have been developed:
- Delivery Routes Planning
- Satellite Vehicles Tracking
- Automatic planning of optimal routes for mobile agents (couriers, sales representatives, etc.).
- Satellite monitoring of mobile agents.
- Forwarding driver’s mobile application.
- Courier’s mobile application.
OPTIMUM Smart Delivery 2025 Digital Platform is included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Computers and Databases of the Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications, and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (No. 4929 dated 12/03/2018).
OPTIMUM Smart Delivery 2025 Digital Platform is registered in the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIPS), certificate No. 2018618534 dated 07/13/2018.
User support is provided through the use of phone (+7 985 776-81-67) and email ( ).